Corvette Tamandare Consortium Villegagnon makes room for the RJ industry

(free Translation)
by Luiz Padilha

The Consortium Villegagnon (Naval Group, Mectron e Enseada) promoted at the Federation of Industries of the State of Rio de Janeiro – FIRJAN, a meeting with state companies of Rio de Janeiro interested in participating with the consortium, the construction of Class Corvette Tamandaré – CCT.

Mr. Eric Berthelot, president of Naval Group in Brazil, opened the event by exposing those present the importance for the consortium have been classified with the short-list of Navy of Brazil – MB, program of Corvettes Class Tamandaré. He emphasized the importance of companies for Naval Group and that the proposed Villegagnon consortium is the one that best meets the needs of MB.


Mr Maurício Almeida, CEO of Enseada, mentioned to the present people at the event that he was very excited about the possibility of entering the field of military naval shipbuilding, as Enseada as full conditions with its modern equipment, to contribute to the strenghtening of the productive structure national qualifying Brazilian labor specialized and promoting national industry, encourading and favoring suppliers that may nationalize equiment and services, initially imported to meet MB throughout the life cycle of vessels after delivery.

Mr. Maurício added that the shipyard will have a learning curve from the first to the fourth Corvette, gradually replacing foreign MO from the first to local MO on subsequent corvettes.

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Source: Defesa Aérea & Naval
By |2018-11-12T10:09:53-03:00November 12th, 2018|Eventos, Notícias|0 Comments