Enseada e Tenenge marcam presença na OTC 2024, em HoustonEnseada and Tenenge are present at OTC 2024, in Houston

/, Eventos, Notícias/Enseada e Tenenge marcam presença na OTC 2024, em HoustonEnseada and Tenenge are present at OTC 2024, in Houston

Enseada e Tenenge marcam presença na OTC 2024, em HoustonEnseada and Tenenge are present at OTC 2024, in Houston

During the Offshore Technology Conference (OTC), an event happened last week in Houston (USA) that brought together the leading global players in the naval and oil & gas markets, bilateral meetings were conducted involving potential Brazilian suppliers of products and services in the sector.


One of these events was the “Maritime Industries Connections – Brazil Offshore Energy Sector Roundtable Business Meeting – Brazilian Shipyards Map,” an initiative by the Brazilian Institute of Petroleum and Gas (IBP) and Petrobras, supported by Apex Brasil, BNDES, and Sinaval. The meeting aimed to establish partnerships and create solutions to meet the Brazilian offshore market’s needs. The meeting brought together 36 companies from Brazil and 18 from other countries, as well as sector entities. Tenenge and Enseada, companies of the Novonor Group, were present at the event.


Sinaval Vice President Maurício Almeida, who is also the Chairman of the Board of Directors of Estaleiro Enseada and General Director of Tenenge, was one of the speakers at the event’s opening.


During his speech, Almeida discussed the Brazilian and global naval industry, particularly how to improve industrial productivity and business and economic competitiveness for the sector’s expansion. “In the shipbuilding and offshore sector, the first competition is between nations, then between shipyards. In recent years, we have observed some countries using state banks to provide almost unlimited credit to shipyards and performing swap operations, converting debt into equity, as a way to subsidize Asian shipyards, disrupting the sector’s competitiveness parameters,” Almeida said.


The CEO of Estaleiro Enseada, Ricardo Ricardi, assessed that this was a great opportunity to strengthen national shipyards. “The promotion of this event was a clear demonstration that the Brazilian industry is seeking the necessary means to meet the offshore area’s demands. And we are well-positioned for this,” he stated.


In the final part of the event, a business roundtable was held, where all the companies present had the opportunity to exchange information and establish connections for potential partnerships.


The meeting was attended by IBP President Roberto Ardenghy, Petrobras Director of Engineering, Technology, and Innovation Carlos José Travassos, and Petrobras President Jean Paul Prates, as well as leaders of sector entities and companies.

By |2024-05-22T16:16:02-03:00May 22nd, 2024|Announcements, Eventos, Notícias|0 Comments